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Temple ASAP
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Upcoming events at the American University of Rome.

26 March. “Eating as an agricultural act”: Civic Food Networks in Italy and the U.S."  - Guest Speaker Dr Maria Grazia Quieti. Auriana Auditorium. 18.30.

27 March. Poetry reading by David Starkey from his new book of poetry, Circus Maximus". Auriana Auditorium. 19.00.

1-3 April. Annual Communication & English Week. Three nights of films, readings, design, photography, animation, music videos, commercials, food and fun.

1 April. Black Maria Film and Video Festival. Short animations, documentaries, and experimental films.

2 April. Remus Literary Journal Reading and Release Party. Student poems, screen plays, fiction, and non-fiction pieces will be read aloud by AUR students. 

3 April. The 2013 Student Media Show and Exhibition. Showcase of student films, digital art work, capstone projects, animation, and photography. Auriana Auditorium. 19.00.

8 April. Fine Arts Area Fundraising  - Concert The Amazing Grace Gospel Choir. Proceeds go to the Circolo S. Pietro charity. Auriana Auditorium. 19.30.

10 April. Interdisciplinary Seminar – Memory. Presentations from students and faculty in all disciplines on the subject of memory. Auriana Auditorium. 17.00.

13 April. Open Day. AUR campus opens to the public. A chance to come and discover everything that our university has to offer, find out more about our programs, get a first taste of student life at AUR, test English skills. AUR garden and Auditorium. 14.00-17.00.

17 April. "Spartacus – the Man, the Myth, and the Legacy" lecture by Prof. Barry Strauss. Centro Studi Americani. 17.00.

23 April. "The Carlucci Forum: Competing in the New Global Landscape" featuring Dr. Gary Pisano of the Harvard Business School, who will discuss his research in the area of "Restoring American Competitiveness." 18.30

For full details of all events see AUR website or contact Maurizia Garzia on m.garzia@aur.edu, or tel. 0658330919.

General Info

Address American University of Rome, Via P. Roselli 16, (Gianicolo).

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AUR events

American University of Rome, Via P. Roselli 16, (Gianicolo).

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