Ballet de lOpra National du Rhin.
2-3 Oct 2004. In Dance and Chamber Symphony, choreography by Lucinda Childs. Dance, on music by Philip Glass, and set designs by Sol LeWitt, hit the scenes 25 years ago and has carved its place as one of the masterpieces of postmodern dance and minimalist art. Childs has been described as the artist of reduction, she strips movement and choreography to the bare minimum singling out tiny elements which she then recomposes, developing contrasts, distorting them, changing the elements almost imperceptibly. The second work of the evening, Chamber Symphony, was created in 1994 on a music score by John Adams; it is Childs ballet blanc: a reflection on the modernity of classicism.
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Ballet de lOpra National du Rhin.
Teatro Nuovo, tel. 0114424777.
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