Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180

Biennale Music. 50th International Festival of Contemporary Music.

29 Sept-7 Oct 2006. Nine intense day featuring 48 composers in concerts, installations, audio-visual performances, musical performances, a cappella song, and underwater performances with nine world premieres including six commissioned by the Biennale and 23 Italian premieres. Va pensiero is the popular title chosen by composer Giorgio Battistelli at the helm of the festival for the third consecutive year. The festival is inaugurated with a creation conceived expressly for Venice by Brian Eno, a guest at the Music Biennale for the first time. Painting like music by Brian Eno is a site-specific installation modelled on the structure of the Spazio Cisterne at the Arsenale, where Eno will create a sort of sound painting in constant evolution. Listening to music underwater is the surprising challenge of Michel Redolfi, who will execute his Citt liquida in the basin of the Piscina di S. Alvise, where he will recreate a Venice city mirage, inviting the public to dive in with him. The programme includes Celestial Excursions, the latest work by the pioneer of multimedia opera, American Bob Ashley; Murmullos del Pramo, a work of musical theatre by Julio Estrada featuring famous vocalist Fatima Miranda and the butoh master Ko Murobushi.

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Address For information tel. 0415218898

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Biennale Music. 50th International Festival of Contemporary Music.

For information tel. 0415218898

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