Cantiere Internazionale dArte.
1-23 July 2006. The 31st edition of this festival is themed Il Teatro delle Meraviglie, with a programme of music, art and opera offered as a homage to the composer Hans Werner Henze.
The 31st edition of the Cantiere Internazionale dArte di Montepulciano is an affectionate tribute commemorating the 80th birthday of its founder, the composer Hans Werner Henze. The season will commence with the presentation of Das Wundertheatre (15-16 July),. This was the first opera Henze composed in 1948 at the tender age of 22, and was inspired by Cervantes. The opera will be performed in Italy for the first time and will be coupled with Mahagonny Songspiel by Kurt Weill, a composer Henze highly esteems. The second opera on the programme is Re Teodoro di Venezia by Giovanni Paisiello (22 and 23 July). This modern version, realised by Henze a few years ago and with the valuable contributions of musicologist Alfred Einstein, has ensured that Paisiellos opera is well-known and appreciated. Paolo di Nicola
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Cantiere Internazionale dArte.
For more information tel. 0578757089.