Caving club celebrates.
Founded in 1904, the Circolo Speleologico Romano, which is one of the oldest speleological associations in Italy, will celebrate its 100th anniversary during a three-day event that will take place at Esperia, in the Frosinone area (south of Rome) between 10-12 Dec. The Rome speleological club takes part in international expeditions and organises training courses in caving. A wide choice of books and the Notiziario del Circolo Speleologico Romano (CSR), which is published yearly, may also be consulted in the clubs library. Circolo Speleologico Romano, Via Ulisse Aldovrandi, tel. 063216223 (Tues and Fri from 08.00-12.00). E-mail, or
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Caving club celebrates.
Circolo Speleologico Romano, Via Ulisse Aldovrandi, Rome.
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