Chamber music concert by Dimitri Ashkenazy clarinet, Attilio Bergamelli piano, and Andrea Bergamelli cello.
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Chamber music concert by Dimitri Ashkenazy clarinet, Attilio Bergamelli piano, and Andrea Bergamelli cello. Music by Beethoven, Brahms, Stravinsky (21.00).
For those who like to plan ahead: pianist Aldo Ciccolini performs with the Orchestra Sinfonica Giovanile di Roma on 4 April 2004; Alessio Vlad conducts the Orchestra di Roma e del Lazio on 4 April 2004; Jeffrey Tate conducts the Orchestra di S. Cecilia at S. Cecilia on 17, 19 and 20 April 2004; Maurizio Pollini plays the piano at S. Cecilia on 22 April 2004.
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Chamber music concert by Dimitri Ashkenazy clarinet, Attilio Bergamelli piano, and Andrea Bergamelli cello.
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Via del Gonfalone 32, tel. 066875952.
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