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11 Sept. A barefoot procession in solidarity with migrants takes place in Rome on Friday 11 September from the Centro Baobab, which offers assistance to hundreds of refugees every day, to the nearby Tiburtina station....
13 Sept. A cultural evening to raise funds for Rome’s Centro Baobab, which offers assistance to hundreds of refugees, takes place at Casa della Pace in Testaccio on 13 September at 21.00.
The evening of art, music and...
26 June. Charity musical event to raise funds for Rome's Baobab refugee centre which is currently facing a humanitarian emergency and offering assistance to hundreds of refugees, including those at nearby Tiburtina stati...
The Rome-based Peter Pan Onlus association, which provides support for families with children suffering from cancer, stages its annual perfomance Merry Christmas Peter Pan on Monday 8 December at Teatro Olimpico.
The Christmas edition of Mycupoftea Popup returns from 7-9 December, from 11.00-20.00, under the theme Xmas Creative Energy at its temporary address on Via Gregoriana 31.
Since 2006 the Mycupoftea creative space has p...
Rome pub raises funds for cure and treatment of prostate cancer
As in previous years the Shamrock pub near the Colosseum is supporting Movember, the global, month-long initiative aimed at raising awareness and funds f...
The Wanted Network
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House-Manager(Butler) and Housekeeper
Prestigious diplomatic residence is seeking qualified candidates for two full-time positions as “House-Manager(Butler)” and “Housekeeper”
Employment will be under the Italian Nati...
Apartment For Sale: Condominium with Park, Tennis Court and Swimming Pool
In the quiet Montesacro neighborhood well served by buses and metro B, I am selling an apartment on the 2nd floor with a terrace, 2 balconies, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen and...
Health & Risk Communication: A Summer Professional Programme at AUR
This 10-day summer institute and professional development course focuses on lessons learned, future directions, and advanced conversations on health and risk communication related...
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