Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
AuR 24 700 x 180

Children’s Activities at Parco Regionale dell’Appia Antica

Parco Regionale dell’Appia Antica has a long season of guided tours and events especially for children aged five to 12 and their families, which take place in Valle della Caffarella. Its programme also includes other appointments, such as special openings of monuments, trekking, tours on bicycles, shows and conferences.

On 6 April. Esperienza Preistorica: children discover the life in the Pleistocene through the fire and paintings on the rocks. 15.30 Info point Tacchi Venturi.

On 13 April. Dal Latte al Formaggio teaches children how to make cheese. 15.30 Info point Tacchi Venturi.

On 20 April. Voliamo con gli Aquiloni: children build their own kites with the material provided by the association. Booking required at 335 6908993. 15.00 Info Point Tacchi Venturi.

On 27 April. Ortoinsieme teaches children how to cultivate their own garden plants and how to build a scarecrow with waste materials brought from home. 15.30 Info Point Tacchi Venturi.

On 28 April. La Via Appia Raccontata ai Bambini: children are taken on a tour through Villa dei Quintili to discover its stories and protagonists. There is also a quiz. 15.00 Via Appia Nuova 1092. Free entrance.

On 1 May. Caccia al tesoro del Dio Redicolo: riddles, team games to a treasure hunt. 15.00 Casale ex Mulino. For info 335 6908993.

Furthermore, on the first and last Saturday of every month (6 April-8 June) there is an environmental workshop for children, with stories, snacks and walks in the park . 16.00-18.00 Info Point Casale Museo Tor Fiscale, Via dell’Acquedotto Felice 120.

On Sundays there are some nature workshops and other guided events and educational activities for children aged seven to 12. 11.00, 14.30, 15.30. Spazi Espositivi e Didattici Cartiera Latina, Via Appia Antica 42/50.

On Sundays there are many gardening, musical and creative activities related to the Hortus Urbis, an ancient Roman vegetable garden, for children aged three to ten and their families. 10.30. Green area Cartiera Latina, Via Appia Antica 42/50,

On Sundays there is also O come Orto: children are taught how to cultivate their vegetable garden. 15.00. Orto Didattico Valle della Caffarella, close to Casale della Vaccareccia.

A special annual card (Carta Amici del Parco) offers €5 access to all the events.

General Info

Address Booking required at 06 5135316 or

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Children’s Activities at Parco Regionale dell’Appia Antica

Booking required at 06 5135316 or

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Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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