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Christmas fair for Children in Toffia

Come along and join in the fun at this years Christmas Fair for Children. This is the second year we are running this fair to help raise funds for the local infants and primary schools here in Toffia.

Toffia is a small medieval hilltop village just 40 minutes north of Rome. If you came along last year, you will be pleased to hear there are even more activities for the children, traditional lunch (hand made pasta on Saturday and local hearty sabina soup on Sunday, plus more) , music, workshops and plays for children and a large second-hand market stall filled with books, dvd's, games, clothing etc, PLUS many of the artists and artisans of Toffia will be opening their doors during the Festival for you to have a look around.
Invite your friends and come along together for lunch and to enjoy all the activities.

Festa di Natale e dell'Infanzia
Toffia, citta' amica dei bambini

Programma/Programme for Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 December, 2012

Sabato 15 dicembre - Saturday 15 December

10:30 Laboratorio di Giuliana: decorazione dell'albero di natale / ludoteca. (Children's activities making Christmas decorations)

11:00 Laboratorio pane/biscotti/zuppe per bambini con il Parco Lucretili (Wonderful hands on activity for children making bread.biscuits.soup)

13:00 Pranzo in Piazza Lauretana (Lunch with handmade pasta, wine, bruschetta etc).
Afternoon: open fire,biscuits and vin brule (hot spiced wine)

17:00 Falò / decorazione dell'albero in Piazza Lauretana

20.30 Spettacolo e cena Officina 33- Evening play (2 Euro tessera required), followed by dinner (by donation of 10 Euro per person)

Tutto il giorno: esposizione delle pigotte e pesca di beneficienza nel mulino e mercatino di Natale. (all day exhibit of pigotte and lucky dip plus christmas stalls and sale of second-hand toys, games,puzzles, household items, clothing etc). All profits made will go directly to our local infants and primary schools.

Domenica 16 dicembre- Sunday 16 December, 2012

10:30 Laboratorio musicale di Andrea di Pietro e percorso in strada / ludoteca. Music. drumming for kids, around the streets of Toffia

11.30 Laboratorio di Giuseppina piazza Lauretana- Kids hands on activities making bread, biscuits and soup)

13:00 Pranzo in Piazza Lauretana - Hearty tradtional Sabina soup for lunch plus more

15:30/16:00 Spettacolo di ballo. Dance school performance/demonstation.

17:00 Spettacolo - Lettura per bambini di Pino e Betta in teatro- Play for children in the Theatre in Toffia

18: 00 Festa della Torta della Nonna -Traditional cake competition- winners announced (cakes then can be sampled!)

Tutto il giorno: esposizione delle pigotte e pesca di beneficienza nel mulino e mercatino di Natale. (all day exhibit of pigotte and lucky dip plus christmas stalls and sale of second-hand toys, games,puzzles, household items, clothing etc). All profits made will go directly to our local infants and primary schools.

Contact phone number is Guido: 3335072046 or Mauro 346.359.68.64 or email: comitatoffia@

General Info

Price info The cost if FREE and there are many activities for children and families plus adults to participate in. We are raising funds for our local infants and primary schools.
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