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Taco 1920 x 116
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Classical music by night in Trajan's Markets

2 Sept. A series of classical music performances by Roma Tre Orchestra takes place in Trajan's Markets on the evening of Saturday 2 September between 20.00 and midnight.
The programme comprises two separate concerts, replicated twice in different locations, all for a symbolic entry fee of €1. The Roma Tre Orchestra performs Concerto a domicilio, with music by Mozart, Schumann and Rachmaninov, in the Grande Aula at 20.15, 21.45 and 23.15.

Ritratto d’autore, highlighting the life and work of Giuseppe Verdi, a performance with narrator, tenor and pianist, takes place at 21.00 and again at 22.30 on the Terrazza del Belvedere.

Last entry at 23.00, for full details see website.


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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Smiling Tech - 1400x360