Concerti a S. Clemente al Colosseo.
10 July-28 Aug 2010. Lyrical, symphonic, chamber, jazz and gospel music rings out once again beneath the beautiful vaults of the ancient church of S. Clemente after three years of restoration to the courtyard. Look out for the Gypsy Orchestra of Budapest (5 Aug), a series of lyrical concerts dedicated to Mozart and Puccini (until 6 Aug), Mozart
General Info
Courtyard of the basilica of S. Clemente al Colosseo, Piazza S. Clemente 1 (corner of Via Labicana and Via S. Giovanni in Laterano). For information tel. 340/0880077,
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Concerti a S. Clemente al Colosseo.
Courtyard of the basilica of S. Clemente al Colosseo, Piazza S. Clemente 1 (corner of Via Labicana and Via S. Giovanni in Laterano). For information tel. 340/0880077,
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IT-EN Certified Translator (20 + years of experience)
English mother tongue translator (Italian-English) registered at the Rome Civil and Penal Court as Perito Traduttore. Over 20 years of experience in all fields. Excellent rates. Fr...
Two-bedroom home for sale in historic Palestrina
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
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