14 March. Celebrated composers David Lang and Nicola Piovani discuss their respective work for cinema, considering the importance of contemporary music to cinematic narrative, at the American Academy in Rome on 14 March....
9 March. Right Aye All The Deedle Air I Owe. Artist's talk by Pádraig Timoney, a prominent visual artist based in New York but originally from Derry in Northern Ireland.
Timoney’s talk will focus on the works made la...
8 Feb-22 April. The Brazilian embassy to Italy in Piazza Navona hosts Portinari, la mano senza fine - Collezione del Museu Nacional de Belas Artes di Rio de Janeiro, an exhibition dedicated to one of Brazil's most celebr...
14 Feb-2 April. The 2017 edition of Cinque Mostre at the American Academy in Rome features five separate exhibitions and collaborative projects by current Rome Prize Fellows from several disciplines as well as artists in...
9 Feb-23 April. The French Academy at Villa Medici holds an exhibition of work by Annette Messager, one of France's leading visual artists.
Messager is known mainly for her installations in which she incorporates pho...
14 Feb-2 April. The 2017 edition of Cinque Mostre at the American Academy in Rome features five separate exhibitions and collaborative projects by current Rome Prize Fellows from several disciplines as well as invited ar...
8-22 Feb. The British School at Rome presents several interesting lectures in February.
8 Feb. Charles Smeaton, John Henry Parker and the earliest photography in the Roman catacombs, a talk by John Osborne of Carleton...
15 Feb. The president of the American University of Rome (AUR) and eminent archaeologist, Prof. Richard Hodges, presents his book The Archaeology of Mediterranean Placemaking at AUR on 15 February at 19.00.
Prof. Hodg...
4-5 Feb. The acclaimed Scharoun Ensemble of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra offers two concerts at the American Academy’s Villa Aurelia building.
This is the ensemble’s ninth annual visit and concert series at the...
28 Nov-3 June. With the subheading From Sir Walter Scott to President Theodore Roosevelt, this exhibition at the Keats-Shelley House focuses on the art of letter-writing and the changes in the industrial production of pa...
20 Jan-26 Feb. The Hungarian Academy of Rome organises an exhibition, in three separate locations, dedicated to the career of noted Italian artist Valerio Adami, drawing parallels between his work and that of Hungarian a...
25 Jan. The John Cabot University Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation presents a screening of the film Verano, based on a short story by Carlos Dews, directed by Alessandro Ceschi, with photographic d...
20 Jan-19 April. Washoku la colorata vita alimentare dei Giapponesi is an exhibition highlighting the colours and flavours of Japanese cuisine, or washoku, through film, nishiiki-e prints, cooking utensils and recreation...
26 Jan. The American University of Rome presents the book My War is Not Over by Harry Shindler MBE and Marco Patucchi on Thursday 26 January at 19.00.
The book's author, world war two veteran Shindler, will be present...
10 Jan. Catherine Fletcher of Swansea University will discuss Rai Uno’s hugely successful new show I Medici (Medici: Masters of Florence) at the British School at Rome on Tuesday 10 January, from 18.00-19.30.
26-27 Jan. This two-day conference entitled Rome's Mediterranean Portus Project (RoMP) appraises recent archaeological fieldwork undertaken around the Mediterranean as part of the wider Portulismen: Rome’s Mediterranean...
30 Nov-12 March. The Casa di Goethe presents Costellazioni 1, the first in a series of three annual exhibitions highlighting stories and treasures rediscovered recently by Germans in Rome.
The exhibition focuses on h...
8 Dec-26 Feb. The Belgian Academy has organised an exhibition entitled Alla Luce di Roma: I disegni scenografici di scultori fiamminghi e il barocco romano, which takes place at the Istituto centrale per la grafica....
14 Dec. The British School at Rome presents a Musical Evening with Alessandro Valtulini, the youngest ever composer for the London Philharmonia, on Wednesday 14 December at 18.00.
The event, held in collaboration with...
9-17 Dec. The annual December Mostra at the British School at Rome features works by current Fine Arts award-holders at the BSR.
The exhibition comprises a wide range of works, reflecting the quality and varied practi...
Prestigious diplomatic residence is seeking qualified candidates for two full-time positions as “House-Manager(Butler)” and “Housekeeper”
Employment will be under the Italian Nati...
In the quiet Montesacro neighborhood well served by buses and metro B, I am selling an apartment on the 2nd floor with a terrace, 2 balconies, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen and...
This 10-day summer institute and professional development course focuses on lessons learned, future directions, and advanced conversations on health and risk communication related...