17-19 Jan. In Press, choreography by P. Rigal. Pierre Rigal is a French dancer and former athlete whose work focusses on the absurdity and pathos of the human condition.
In Press he explores how our personal space is...
18-22 Jan. In The Nutcracker and Swan Lake. Joining the ranks formed by the many dance companies from former eastern European countries touring the world to showcase the amazing Russian ballet tradition, the Russian Nati...
26 Jan. In La Bayadere, choreography by Marius Petipa. This ballet has been danced in Russia since its premiere in 1877. The west, however, was only introduced to the splendours of this balletic jewel in the second half...
28-29 Jan. In Romeo et Juliette, choreography by Thierry Malandain. Although a relatively young company, Malandain Ballet Biarritz has received much public and critical acclaim.
It is headed by French dancer and chor...
11 Jan 2012.
In Certe Notti, choreography by Mauro Bigonzetti. This work is a result of a personal and artistic encounter between the choreographer Bigonzetti, and the rock star Ligabue. The performance with poetry and...
22-23 Dec 2012.
In Swan Lake and The Nutcracker, choreography from Petipa. Historically, Kiev stands alongside other great names in the Russian ballet tradition, and today it still struggles to maintain a reputation for...
14 Jan 2012.In Coppelia, choreography by Fabrizio Monteverde. First staged in 1870, this ballet is a classical family-favourite as it is charming, funny, and full of humour and ballet mime. It is often performed by small...
14-15 Dec 2011.
The Fuori Strada project provides a launch-pad for emerging companies and new choreographers. Six contemporary fringe Italian companies have been chosen to present short works on this prestigious stage o...
17 Dec 2011.
In Sleeping Beauty, choreography by K.Bogoeva/M. Zaharieva. The Sofia Ballet, the first private Bulgarian ballet company, was created by the union of the soloists of Sofia National Ballet specifically to to...
13-18 Dec 2011.
In Swan Lake, choreography by Alexander Vorotnikov. This is quite a unique company as it only tours outside of Russia and its repertoire consists entirely in the recreation of the romantic classics. Comp...
20-23 Dec 2011.
In The Nutcracker, choreography by Luciano Cannito. Cannito is the current director of the Palermo Ballet Company, he has worked as a leading choreographer and opera and theatre director since 1986.
26-27 Dec 2011.
In Swan Lake, Paquita, Patterns in space. The secret of this New York-based company of male dancers, who perform all the parts including the female roles (complete with tutus, leotards and dancing on poi...
20-30 Dec 2011.
In The Nutcracker, choreography by Slawa Muchamedow from Petipa. This classic version of the Christmas favourite stars guest artists Anna Osadcenko, Bojana Nenodovic, Evan McKie, Anton Bogov and Alessand...
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