Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180
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6-10 July 2004. In Sette Danze Greche, Don Giovanni, Il Mandarino Meraviglioso, choreography by Maurice Bjart. Bjart has especially adapted the famous Sette Danze Greche he created back in 1983 for the Ballet du XXme Sic...
4-29 May. This is the tail end of an increasingly successful dance festival this year focusing on the Franco-American choreographer John Neumeier, who is considered the master of dance drama, and European choreography of...
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Balletto del Teatro alla Scala. 2-9 June 2004. In Il Pipistrello, choreography by Roland Petite, music by Johann Strauss.
1-3 June 2004. Organised in conjunction with French cultural institutes, this festival at the Auditorium-Parco della Musica explores contemporary dance in France. It actually extends beyond Rome, with 13 French companies...
Balletto del Teatro dellOpera. 30 June-4 July 2004. In Giselle, choreography by Carla Fracci from Coralli/Perrot/Dolin. Fracci, who still appears frequently in cameo roles, was herself a beautiful Giselle. Here, as direc...
28 May 2004. In Ray Man, choreography by Matteo Levaggi.
28-29 May 2004. In Il Tabacco/Il Cioccolato, choreography by Susanna Egri and R. Bianco.
A full immersion in this ancient form of indian dance. No dance experience required. Fri-sat-sun, 6 hours. 60 .
Primavera Brasileira Party Saturday 22 may 11 pm for more information: www.prochildren.it
22-28 May 2004. In Romeo and Juliet, choreography by Vladimir Vassiliev.
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
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19-23 May 2004. In Carmen, choreography by Alberto Alonso, and Piazzolla Tango Vivo, choreography by Ana Maria Stekelman. With guest artist Alessandra Ferri.
18-23 May 2004. In Serata Stravinsky: La sacre du printemps, Rubies and The Cage, choreography by Maurice Bjart, George Balanchine and Jerome Robbins. With guest artists Silvie Guillem and Massimo Murru.
Balletto del Teatro dellOpera. 18-26 May 2004. In Maria Stuarda, lultima notte, choreography by Alberto Mndez.
Stuttgart Ballet. 15-16 May 2004. In A streetcar named Desire, choreography by John Neumeier.
Richard Move workshop. 12 May 2004. In Martha@piccololab, choreography by Richard Move.
Balletto dellArena di Verona. 6-11 May 2004. In Jardin aux lilas, choreography by Anthony Tudor.
In Sette danze greche, Don Giovanni, Il mandarino meraviglioso, choreography by Maurice Bjart.
6-14 May. In Biglietto di sola andata, choreography by Katarzyna Gdaniec and Marco Cantalupo. A one-way journey is the fate of millions of individuals, be they exiles, voluntary emigrants or victims of intolerance, viole...
4-29 May 2004. After the previous years tributes to Jiri Kylian, Mats Ek and William Forsythe, the contemporary choreographer at the heart of this years event is John Neumeier, who is considered the master of dance drama...
Compania de danza mar Gomez. 30 April 2004. In La casa de lest, choreography by Xavier Martinez.
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