Emio Greco/PC. 29 Nov. 2003 In Extra Dry, choreography by Greco. Italian choreographer Greco and Dutch theatre director Pieter C. Scholten have worked together in their search for new dance forms since 1995. They present...
28 Nov-6 Dec 2003. Directed by Marga Nativo and Keith Ferrone, the festival opens with a work by the Finnish choreographer Jyrki Karttunen entitled Keiju-Fairy, in which ancient Nordic fairy tales and modern technology m...
Giovani artisti allOpera. 12-20 Nov. 2003 In Coppelia, music by Delibes, choreography adapted for the Teatro dellOpera ballet school. The performance marks the 75th anniversary of the Teatro dellOperas ballet school, cur...
Les Ballets C. de la B. 7-9 Nov. 2003. In Foi, directed and choreographed by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, and with the Flemish music ensemble Capilla Flamenca. Foi is a work of dance, music and theatre that combines popular mus...
Balletto del Teatro alla Scala. 6-8 Nov. 2003. In Don Quixote, music by Minkus, choreography by Rudolf Nureyev. With Laetitia Pujol, Jos Manuel Carreno, Roberto Bolle. Nureyev staged his Don Quixote in 1966 for the Vienn...
5-9 Nov. 2003. In La cration du monde, choreography by Millicent Hodson/Kenneth Archer; Prlude laprs midi dun faune, choreography by Vaslav Nijinsky; Les Sylphides, choreography by Giorgio Mancini from Fokine.
On tour
Ragz Theatre Company. 3 Nov 2003-4 Feb 2004. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, directed by Fraser Grant. This is not really a ballet at all, but more of a cross between a drama and a musical. The tour begins in Asti a...
30 Oct. 2003. With Ileana Citaristi, accompanied by the Art Vision of Bhubaneswar and Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance Academy. The first part of the evening is dedicated to "Odissi" dance, which has religious origins and...
28 Oct-2 Nov. 2003. Based on David De Silvas original show following the dreams, struggles, joys and disappointments of a group of young students and their teachers at New Yorks "School of Performing Arts". This Italian...
28 Oct-2 Nov 2003. Based on David De Silvas original show following the dreams, struggles, joys and disappointments of a group of young students and their teachers at New Yorks "School of Performing Arts". This Italian v...
The Shaolin monks perform a series of exercises related to prayer and combat that are at the base of the practice of Shaolin Kung Fu. For the first time six women will also be on stage.
Balletto del Teatro dellOpera. 28-31 Oct. 2003. In Dio salvi la Regina, choreography by Mario Piazza, music by Kurt Weill, from a story by John Gay, with Carla Fracci.
Balletto del Teatro dellOpera. 28-31 Oct. 2003. In Dio salvi la Regina, choreography by Mario Piazza, music by Kurt Weill, from a story by John Gay, with Carla Fracci.
16-18 Oct 2003. In The Cost of Living, choreography and direction by Lloyd Newson, original music and sound by Paul Charlier, with dancers of the DV8 Physical Theatre. This work is a reflection on perfection and pretence...
17-19 Oct. 2003. Midsummer Nights Dream, choreography by George Balanchine. A ballet about the transforming power of love based on Shakespeares comedy, Balanchines work premiered in 1962 and was the first wholly original...
16-18 Oct. 2003. Choreography and direction by Lloyd Newson, original music and sound by Paul Charlier, with dancers of the DV8 Physical Theatre. This work is a reflection on perfection and pretence; on how society judge...
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