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Balletto del Teatro dellOpera. 11-19 Oct. 2003. In Turandot, Principessa Cinese: a ballet in two acts based on a story by Carlo Gozzi, music by Ferruccio Busoni, choreography by Luca Veggetti, created by Beppe Menegatti....
10-12 Oct 2003. In Martha@Romaeuropa, written and directed by Richard Move, choreography and text performed by Martha and the Company. The event, in Italian and English, is a combination of choreography, dramatic monolog...
Smiling H2 - 724x450
7-12 Oct 2003. Directed by David Gilmore, with music by Galt MacDermot, and texts by Gerome Ragni and James Rado.
5-13 Oct 2003. In a triptych comprising Concerto Barocco, choreography by George Balanchine; Soliloqui a due, choreography by Giorgio Mancini; and Ballet patetique, choreography by Jorma Uotinen.
27 Sept-2 Oct 2003. This avant-garde dance festival alternates live performances with video projections. The event starts with a work by Eugenio De Mello called Saleug@, followed by Monica Farns H2O and then Alessandra S...
26 Sept-5 Oct 2003. In Stravinsky Evening, Petrushka and The Fire Bird, choreography by Michel Fokine, music by Stravinsky. The stagings are faithful to the original Ballet Russes productions, with sets and costumes base...
18 Sept 2003. Based on David De Silvas original show following the dreams, struggles, joys and disappointments of a group of young students and their teachers at New Yorks School of Performing Arts. The Italian version i...
16-19 Sept 2003. The National Theatre of Cambodia directed by Mao Keng performs the traditional work Gods, kings, demons and princesses. All the main disciplines are represented, including the classical dance of the Camb...
17-21 Sept 2003. In Die Fledermaus, choreography by Roland Petit.
8-21 Sept 2003. This event includes a series of comparisons between Italian and German contemporary dance, plus a work by the Swiss choreographer Yan Marussic and one by Toula Limnaios of Greece. There is also a conferen...
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15 June-25 July 2003. An exciting programme comes to an end with the legendary Italian contemporary dance company Corte Sconta performing Rien ne va plus on 25 July.
Balletto del Teatro alla Scala. 12 July 2003. In Omaggio a Rota, choreography by Mauro Bigonzetti; Annonciation, choreography by Angelin Prejlocaj; and Now and Then, choreography by John Neumeier. Kirov Ballet from the M...
23 July 2004. This is probably the worlds most famous, and certainly most spectacular folk dance company. Founded by Igor Moiseyev, the dances come from all over the ex-Soviet Union and alternate company pieces, solos, t...
8-13 July 2003. In Romeo and Juliet, choreography by John Cranko, music by Prokofiev.
7-28 July 2003. The only summer dance festival in Rome is back in the gardens of the restored Villa Massimo. The setting is beautiful, but booking is a must if you want good seats. The programme is varied but not very in...
Every Monday in July... 10.30 pm GITANOS : Live concert and Dance performance (Simona Maya and Lisa Flores) 12.00 pm dj *miguel-angel*
Jess Curtis Gravity Physical Entertainment and Fabrikcompanie. 28 June-13 July. In Fallen, choreography by Curtis. Curtiss artistic language is made up of a mix of dance, theatre and aerial acrobatics. Teatrino delle Sei...
Covent Garden: two people sitting at a caf, telling stories, exchanging experiences. Choreography: Alicia Bonfiglioli. Music directed by Massimiliano Tisano
4-6 July 2003. An intense immersion in tango and its culture starting every afternoon with free lessons on the various styles of the dance, and continuing into the evening with performances to live music in Piazza Carign...
3 July 2003. In Double Pointes: One & Two, choreography by Greco in conjunction with Pieter Scholten, with Greco and Bertha Bermudes Pascual. This young dancer and choreographer was born in Puglia, works in Holland and i...
Acorn High  H5  1400 x 360