Arts in English This Ostia-based company produces popular song and dance shows. English Theatre of Rome Rome’s busiest English theatre stages diverse productions near Piazza Navona. www.rometh...
15 June.
A series of encounters with contemporary Italian choreographers aims to trigger an ongoing dialogue and confrontation on the possible relationships between choreographic and poetic idioms and work methodology....
16 May
In Storm End Come, choreography by Yasmeen Godder and Itzik Giuli. This new work by the Israeli choreographer Godder and by Giuli, her partner and co-artistic director, explores movement, not for movement
3-6 May
In Paradiso I, choreography by Matteo Levaggi. The young Italian choreographer, who has won recognition and success after a difficult beginning (he was one of Raffaella Carr
3-23 May
In Marguerite and Armand choreography by Frederick Ashton, and Concerto DSCH choreography by Alexei Ratmansky, with Svetlana Zakharova, Roberto Bolle, Massimo Murru. Frederick Ashton
9- 10 May
In Anna Karenina, choreography by Boris Eifman. The contemporary Russian choreographer, who runs his own company out of St Petersburg, has often been criticised for his sexy, emotional, over-the-top story ball...
11 April 2012.
In The Talent, choreographies by Russel Maliphant, Paul Robert and Jan Cemerek. The company is made up of a group of remarkable dancers who were handpicked from open auditions by Balletboyz, Michael Nunn...
14-19 April 2012.
In an evening of works by Italian choreographers Abbondanza/Bertoni, Mauro Bigonzetti and Giorgio Rossi. Teatro Nazionale, Via del Vicinale 51.
11-22 April 2012
In Paradiso, an Emiliano Pellisari production in collaboration with the Teatro Mancinelli in Orvieto. This work is the final part of a trilogy dedicated to the Divine Comedy. Somewhere between physical...
21-25 March 2012.
In Nuove Stelle. A corps de ballet comprising selected young dancers from the dance academy of the Teatro alla Scala performs works from the classical and contemporary repertoire. The evening opens wit...
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...
Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.