24-26 Feb 2012.
In Un Peu De Tendresse Bordel De Merde! choreography by Dave St-Pierre. This is a controversial work that explores the fears and fantasies of 22 characters as they search for love in a brutal world. It
7-8 Mar 2012.
The secret of this New York-based company of male dancers who perform all the parts including the female roles (complete with tutus, leotards and dancing on point) is their respect and love of ballet. Thei...
6-10 Mar 2012.
In an evening dedicated to American Dance Masters. The Rome corps de ballet performs Diversion of Angels, choreography by Martha Graham, Day on Earth choreography by Doris Humphry, Chaconne choreography b...
13 Mar 2012
In Romeo et Juliette, choreography by Thierry Malandain. Although a relatively young company, Malandain Ballet Biarritz has received much public and critical acclaim. The company is headed by French dancer a...
25 Feb 2012.
In Intermezzo Roma, choreography by Ko Murobushi. Murobushi is a Butoh dancer whose explorations deliberately seek to subvert conventional notions of dance. He studied with Tatsumi Kijikata who devised Anko...
16 Feb 2012.
In Women, choreography by Ugo Dehaes. Belgian dancer and choreographer Dehaes has teamed up with eight female dancers to create this work.
Departing from a male perspective, they perform very physical a...
17 Feb 2012.
In Suivront Mille ans De Calme, choreography by Angelin Prejlocaj. The French choreographer of Albanian origin has worked with dancers of the Bolshoi Ballet to create this ballet. He has conceived and creat...
18 Feb 2012.
In Sideways Rain, choreography by Guilherme Botelho. Botelho describes his work as a search for unexplored, hidden and unusual angles, as a quest for what is left unsaid, and as a desire to provoke inner de...
25 Feb 2012.
In Swayambhu,choreography by Shantala Shivalingappa. Shivalingappa is an acclaimed dancer and choreographer of kuchipudi, a classical dance form from southern India, which combines narrative dance, devotion...
20-29 Jan 2012.
In Without Words and Francesca da Rimini, choreography by Nacho Duato and A. Panzavolta. Without Words is the second work created by Spanish choreographer Duato for the prestigious American Ballet Theate...
6-7 Feb 2012.
In TeZukA, choreography by Cherkaoui. This latest work by the acclaimed choreographer from Belgium and Morocco is inspired by Japanese animator Osamu Tezuka (creator of Astro Boy) and all things manga. Wit...
11 Feb 2012.
In (Im)possibile, choreography by Ina Christell Johannessen. This Oslo-based contemporary dance company was founded in 1996 by Johannessen and lighting and set designer Jens Sethzman. Their productions are...
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