21 Feb-4 Mar 2012.
By Robert Farquhar, directed by Flavio Parenti, with Antonio Zavatteri, Aldo Ottobrino and Alessia Giuliani. First produced for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2002, Robert Farquhar's black comedy is described as part ghost story and part road movie, a passionate and ultimately uplifting story of life, love and friendship. The action involves little more than getting a just departed friend, Mick, cremated, his flat cleared and his ashes scattered in Scotland. But it becomes more than this: a hungover speculation on death presented as a dramatic poem for the three voices of Henry, Kev and Holly, a trio of misfits.
In Italian.
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Teatro Piccolo Eliseo, Via Nazionale 183, tel. 06488721, 064882114, www.teatroeliseo.it.
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