Estate ai Fori
4 July-23 Sept. Dance, theatre and concerts, as well as night-time guided tours (see Visits) in the spectacular setting of the Fori Imperiali. All performances start at 21.00, tickets cost 12.
4-5 July, ballet, choreography by Pat Cremins.
9, 14 and 21 July, "Socrate e la vita folosofica" by the Associazione Lyras, based on Plato's "Dialogues".
16 July, "La Venexiana" by Seneca.
22 July, "Fedra" by Seneca.
28 July-6 Aug, "Apoteosi di Claudio" by Seneca.
25-26 Aug, "Aria Nova" with original music by Pino Cangitosi.
27-28 Aug, "La Verit", which looks at religion, politics, sex and love in the verse of Gioacchino Belli.
11-12 Sept, "La stanza che respira" based on "Le serve" by Jean Genet.
General Info
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Estate ai Fori
Entrance to shows is at the Mercati di Traiano, Via IV Novembre 94. For information and bookings contact Associazione Civitas, tel. 0692050630,
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