Festival Pontino di Musica.
24 June-29 July 2007. The 43rd edition of this world class music festival opens with a concert at the Auditorium in Rome before continuing its programme in its traditional venues south of Rome at the Abbey of Fossanova, the Castle of Sermoneta, the Garden of Ninfa and other surrounding sites. Meanwhile the inauguration sees a chamber music concert on 24 June by Mariana Sirbu violin, Bruno Giuranna viola, Rocco Filippini cello, Franco Petracchi double-bass, and Bruno Canino piano. Music by Schumann and Schubert (19.00).
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Festival Pontino di Musica.
Festival Pontino di Musica. Concert at Auditorium-Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For information tel. 0773605551.
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