Until 4 May 2003. Organised by Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo (VIS), this exhibition features 150 black-and-white photographs taken by photojournalists Dario Mitidieri, Paolo Pellegrin, Ivo Saglietti and Pao...
Until 18 April 2003. Photographs and documentaries on Nicaragua organised by the Terre des hommes Italia Foundation, which aids children in difficulty.
1 April-1 June 2003. This Greek bronze was discovered in the waters of Sicily in 1998. Four years of careful work have restored it to its original beauty.
28 March-2 June 2003. Recent work by the abstract artist.
Carla Accardi was one of the members of Forma Uno, the group of Italian pioneers of Abstraction born after world war two. One of the strongest of Italian women...
Until 30 March. Objects, prints and paintings from Pakistan, China, Japan and other countries illustrate the concept of sport from the second century BC. 8.30-14.00. Tues, Thurs, Sun and holidays 08.30-19.30. 1st and 3rd...
Until 4 May 2003. The first exhibition in Italy of the work of the Oldenburg court painter who died in 1863. Willer lived in Rome from 1835 to 1863 and dedicated himself to painting the landscapes of Lazio. 10.00-18.00....
28 Nov 2002 - 26 May 2003. Magic and religious objects and documents from the Russian Museum of Ethnography of St Petersburg. 09.00-18.00. Sat-Sun 09.00-20.00. Mon closed.
Until 16 April. This exhibition traces the development of engraving techniques from the 1400s to the present day through 150 works from the collection of the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica. 10.00-19.00.
The Calcograf...
7 March-6 July 2003. 70 paintings by impressionist masters including Monet, Degas and Czanne. Mon-Thurs 09.30-19.30. Fri-Sat 09.30-23.30. Sun 09.30-20.30.
St Georgeʼs British International School is seeking an experienced Teacher of French to work in the Senior School as a maternity cover starting in September 2025. The ability to te...
Experienced carer for old age, housekeeping with driving licence, since 2003 he has been working in Rome, looks for a full-time live-in job, good reference. Contact. 3346140595....
Violinist, soloist in tv Rai , plays for all events from pop, swing to classical,Irish/English folk,country,Neapolitan songs and film tracks, both as soloist and with Piano, singe...
AVENTINO and precisely in Piazza Albania, we offer the sale of a prestigious two-room apartment located on the first floor with elevator, internal and private view, completely RENO...