6 Nations 25
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6 Nations 25
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180
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30 June-15 Aug. The 23rd edition of Rome’s annual world music festival returns to the shores of the little lake in the gardens of Villa Ada this summer. The event, whose name translates as “Rome meets the world”, offers...
1 June-Sept. The 22nd edition of the four-month festival that brings Latin American music, dance, food and culture to Rome. Each year Latin American dancers and singers take to the stage, providing over 100 hours of l...
Marymount - International School Rome
1 June-12 Sept. One of Rome's most popular summer festivals celebrates 15 years. The 15th edition of Gay Village features shows, live dj sets, theatre, film screenings and special guests. The 15,000-sqm venue is d...
Festival Trastevere Rione del Cinema screens 21 films in English or with English subtitles. 1 June-1 Aug. Piazza S. Cosimato in the Trastevere district becomes a free open-air cinema this summer, from 1 June until 1 A...
1 June-1 Aug. Piazza S. Cosimato in the Trastevere district becomes a free open-air cinema this summer, from 1 June until 1 August. For more than 60 nights the public can enjoy a diverse programme of films featuring e...
20-22 May. Relativity is the theme of the 11th edition of Rome’s science festival at the Auditorium Parco della Musica from 20-22 May. The festival programme includes three days of debates, performances and readings b...
14 May. Following the successful sixth edition of the urban art festival Outdoor last October, NUfactory returns with Outdoor Extra, a month-long cultural programme showcasing art, music, architecture, fashion, food and...
20 May-5 June. The fifth edition of Memorie Urbane Street Art Festival continues its aim to transform neglected urban areas in small towns south of Rome by engaging 40 international street artists to enliven Gaeta, Terra...
13-15 May. Lovers of Irish music and culture can look forward to the third edition of Rome Spring Fleadh 2016: Festival di musica irlandese, taking place in Rome at the Scuola di Musica Popolare of Testaccio and Caffè Le...
6 May. Unredeemed, a new gangster movie with an international cast, is currently being filmed in Rome, with several scenes being filmed at Gilda Club on Via Mario de' Fiori 9 on Friday 6 May at 23.00. Those attending...
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
FiR 320 x 480 H3
5-10 May. The ninth edition of the capital’s Spanish Film Festival takes place at the Cinema Farnese Persol in Campo de’ Fiori from 5-10 May. The six-day event features a mixture of classic and contemporary Spanish-la...
30 April-1 May. Outdoor Extra, a month-long cultural programme showcasing art, music, architecture, fashion, food and beverage at the disused military barracks on Via Guido Reni, presents the Spirits festival over the we...
21-24 April. The theme of the fifth edition of Rome’s Nordic Film Fest is Amore Nordico, with screenings taking place as usual at the Casa del Cinema in Villa Borghese from 21-24 April. The festival is designed to pro...
30 April-29 May. Outdoor Extra hosts five weekends of cultural events. Following the successful sixth edition of the urban art festival Outdoor last October, NUfactory returns with Outdoor Extra, a month-long cultural...
8-10 April. A festival dedicated to street games, street art, street music, street dancing, street food and street culture at the Città dell'Altra Economia in the Testaccio district. The festival includes workshops,...
6-10 April. The sixth edition of Rendez-vous, the festival dedicated to new French cinema, is being held in Rome from 6-10 April. The five-day festival will feature more than 30 movies, from blockbusters to independen...
19-21 May. Spring Attitude, a three-day festival dedicated to electronic music and its emerging sounds, returns to Rome from 19-21 May. Now in its sixth edition, this year’s festival line-up includes headliners Air, a...
18-20 March. Rome’s seventh annual festival devoted to books and reading, in the company of international and Italian writers, takes place at the Auditorium Parco Della Musica from 18-20 March. The festival features c...
8-16 March. The seventh edition of Francofilm, the festival dedicated to francophone or French-language films takes place at the Institut Français Centre Saint-Louis from 8-16 March. Films will be screened in their or...
8-31 Dec. Billed as the most important festival of its genre in Europe, the Roma Gospel Festival celebrates its 20th anniversary with an edition dedicated to the Vatican's Holy Jubilee Year of Mercy. The festival feat...
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