AUR 1920 x 116
AUR 1920 x 116
AUR 1920 x 116
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18 Dec 2005-29 Jan 2006. The "mai visti" are a series of exhibits showing a selection of the many works belonging to the Gallery that do not have a place in the sections open to the public. This years selection is dedica...
I marmi della domus imperiale del Gianicolo. 17 Dec-16 Apr 2006. For the first time on show the findings from the domus imperiale, which were discovered in the Jubilee year 2000 during works for a new parking area on the...
Acorn P H2 - 724 x 450
17 Dec-16 Feb 2005. A series of gouaches and three wall paintings make up the first exhibition in Rome by the French artist Jean Michel Alberola. V.M.21 Artecontemporanea, Via della Vetrina 21, tel. 0668891365. 11.00-19....
15 Dec 2005-1 May 2006. The show illustrates the activity of the so-called "Gruppo T" at the roots of interactive art. Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna (GNAM).
15 Dec 2005-10 Feb 2006. In a transition period in which the New National Museum of the Principality of Monaco does not have a permanent home, it presents its collections in a series of exhibitions. This is the first Ita...
15 Dec 2005-12 Feb 2006. Paintings by the Italian Surrealists from the collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna (GNAM).
14 Dec 2005-30 Jan 2006. Galleria Giulias newly restructured space reopens with a collective exhibition of work by contemporary artists.
7-24 Dec 2005. Works by Swiss photographers.
3 Dec-19 Feb 2005. Photographs taken by Tazio Secchiaroli in 1969 during auditions and rehearsals for Federico Fellinis unfinished film Il viaggio di G. Mastorna detto Fernet. The show also includes ten watercolour paint...
30 Nov-5 May 2006. Marking the bicentenary of the battle of Austerlitz, the Museo Napoleonico has retrieved from its storerooms, and restored, a panoramic papier-peint dedicated to the so-called "Battle of Three Emperors...
AUR 1920x190
AUR 1920x190
AUR 1920x190
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
30 Nov-15 Feb 2005. Twenty years after their last joint exhibition, the two artists show their works together in Rome with sculptures from the 1960s to date.
English speaking pun lovers and/or phonetics enthusiasts note this event. On exhibit works from the 70's to this date.
27 Nov 2005. Fifty works on display show the "lightness of being" expressed in drawings by the artist and illustrator.
27 Nov 2005-15 Jan 2006. The fifth edition of the exhibition of works by young contemporary European artists.
Showcasing Kiaer's new and existing pieces to explore the work of three visionary architects: Kiesler, Tange and Ledoux
La citt: il miraggio e il riflesso. 24 Nov-23 Dec 2005. A selection of nine works by Chinese video artists from different cities and different urban contexts.
15 Nov-26 Feb 2006. This retrospective documents the creativity of Mastroianni from a 1928 sketch until his Teatro Magico XII of 1998. About 30 bronzes are on show as well as works in marble, wood, silver, steel, terraco...
14 Nov-11 Dec 2005. Latest works by Lorenzo Scaretti. The unconventional Italian artist creates "visual phonetics" which display a synthesis of surrealist art, Anglo-American humour, conceptual art and linguistics.
11 Nov-26 Feb 2006. A collection of Etruscan and 19th-century jewellery by the Castellani family. The exhibition is made up of about 250 gold artifacts from important European museums and private Italian and American col...
10 Nov-26 Feb 2006. About 230 works illustrate the cultural vitality of the eternal city during the 18th century. Paintings, sculptures, archaeological remains, furniture, decorations, clothes, books and drawings highlig...
Smiling Tech - 1400x360