Fira de Santa Llcia Christmas Market
3-23 Dec. The Santa Llcia Christmas Fair occupies the Barcelona cathedral esplanade in the run-up to Christmas, selling traditional essentials for yuletide from Pyrenees pine trees to hand-made figures for nativity displays. The fair takes its name from the feast day (13 December) of Santa Llcia, patron saint of fashion designers and blind people, who gather at the Santa Llcia chapel in the cathedral to pay their respects. You can pick up trees, decorations, arts and crafts, nativity dolls and scenery, sweets and other foodstuffs at the hundreds of stalls sprawled across the square. There are other fairs throughout the city, including Sagrada Famlia and Les Corts, but avoid the crush at weekends when the numbers of visitors spirals skywards. Admission is free.
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Fira de Santa Llcia Christmas Market
Gothic Quarter, Raval & La Ribera. The nearest metro station is Jaume I. Daily 10.00 20.00. Tel. +34-933689730 (tourist office).
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