For an end to the judgement of God.
For an end to the judgement of God by Antonin Artaud and Kissing God Goodbye by June Jordan. 27-29 Nov 2003. Directed by Peter Sellars. Both texts express the hope for a better world, but Sellars casts a shadow on an inhumane and hostile present undermined by hypocrisy and contradictions. In For an end to the judgement of God, actor John Malpede is a proud general at the Pentagon speaking from the safety of a press conference while images of bombings and explosions are projected behind him. Kissing God Goodbye is about the search for a new humanity that is sensitive towards the world we live in and to its people. With live musical accompaniment by the Kronos Quartet. For the Romaeuropa Festival.
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For an end to the judgement of God.
Teatro Palladium, Piazza Bartolomeo Romano 8. For information tel. 800795525.
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