Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
RCC 700x180
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Palazzo del Quirinale opens its gardens for free on 2 June. The gardens of the Quirinale, the residence of Italy's president, are open to the public free of charge from 15.00-19.00 to celebrate the Festa della Repubblic...
Festival is held on roof gardens of Auditorium Parco della Musica.Breathe - Respiro is the theme of the ninth edition of the annual Festival del Verde e del Paesaggio taking place once more on the roof gardens of Rome's...
RCI 724 x 450
Floracult gardening fair celebrates 10 years in Rome in 2019. 25-28 April. The ninth edition of Floracult, the popular floral and amateur gardening fair, takes place in the La Storta area of north Rome from 25-28 April,...
Rome celebrates Japanese cherry blossoms at Orto Botanico. 12-14 April. The Botanic Garden Museum of the Sapienza University of Rome, in collaboration with the Japanese Cultural Institute in Rome, organises three days d...
8-30 March. Guided tours of the gardens at Rome’s Japanese Cultural Institute are open to small groups of people during the mornings and afternoons on Tues, Thurs, Fri, and on Sat mornings. The visits are free and bo...
Rome's rose garden is open from 21 April until 16 June 2019. The municipal rose garden located on the eastern side of the Aventine hill reopens on 21 April, on the occasion of Rome's birthday, and can be visited daily f...
23 Feb. The gardeners behind Rome's Ecumenical Garden, hidden behind the monastery of S. Gregorio al Celio, are staging an Open Day on Saturday 23 February from 10.00 until 13.00. The garden, tucked away between the C...
Autunno alla Landriana garden fair opens 12-14 October 2018. The 17th edition of Autunno alla Landriana, the autumn garden fair and horticultural sale at the Landriana gardens south of Rome, takes place from 12-14 Octob...
2-3 June. More than 130 magnificent private gardens in palaces and castles across Italy will be open to the public over the weekend of 2-3 June as part of the Incontriamoci in Giardino initiative.Members of the Associazi...
Castel Giuliano gardens north of Rome contain more than 1,000 roses. The 2018 Festa delle Rose at the gardens of Castel Giuliano at Palazzo Patrizi takes place on 12-13 May from 10.00-19.00. Located about 7 km from Bra...
RCC 1920x190
RCC 1920x190
RCC 1920x190
RCI 320 x 480
Primavera della Landriana opens 20-22 April 2018This year's Primavera della Landriana, the annual garden fair and horticultural sale at the Landriana gardens south of Rome, takes place over three days from 20-22 April, b...
10 March. The gardeners behind Rome's Ecumenical Garden, hidden behind the monastery of S. Gregorio al Celio, are staging an open day on Saturday 10 March from 10.00 until 13.00. The garden, tucked away between the Circu...
13-14 May. The Festa della Primavera takes place at Rome's Botanic Gardens in Trastevere over the weekend 13-14 May. The festival includes exhibitions of bonsai and photographs, demonstrations of gardening and botanic pa...
19-21 May. The seventh edition of the Festival del Verde e del Paesaggio is held on the roof gardens of Rome’s Auditorium Parco della Musica from 19-21 May.       The three-day festival ded...
22-25 April. The Primavera della Landriana, the annual garden fair and horticultural sale, takes place at the Landriana gardens south of Rome from 22-25 April, from 10.00-19.00.     The ten-hectare...
21-23 April. The eighth edition of Floracult, the popular floral and amateur gardening festival, takes place in the La Storta area of north Rome from 21-23 April, from 10.00-19.00.     Dozens of e...
AUR 1400x360