Halloween Vampire Fest.
11-31 Oct 2004. Now an annual event, the Halloween Vampire Fest at the London Dungeon, the world's first fully-interactive horror museum, is a great kick for thrill seekers this October. The Vampire Fest takes you through spooky stories and knee-trembling tales, leading you on a quest to try and discover the truth about vampires. And there's the chance to follow in the footsteps of the renowned vampire hunter, Dr Van Helsing, and explore the legend of the world's most famous vampire, Count Dracula. There is also a children's weekend (23-24 October) with gruesome games, activities and a prize for the creepiest costume. In addition to the special events there are all the usual attractions of the London Dungeon, for instance a terrifying tour of Victorian London's darker corners in the footsteps of Jack the Ripper.
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Halloween Vampire Fest.
The London Dungeon. Tel. +44-9001600066, www.thedungeons.com.
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