6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia


Festival italo-tedesco del cortometraggio. 27-29 May 2004. This is the third edition of a festival that presents the latest in Italian and German shorts, selected from the recent Festival Interfilm Berlin. All films are in original language.

Film clips

Under the Tuscan Sun (Sotto il Sole della Toscana). Having lost her San Francisco house in bitter divorce proceedings, book reviewer Frances (Diane Lane) is in dire need of a pick-me-up. Packed off on a coach tour of Tuscany by supportive girlfriends, she has a Damascene moment just outside Cortona, falling for the charms of a tumbledown old villa which she buys on the spot. Supervising a raggle-taggle band of eastern European builders through the renovation work is one new challenge, but in this loose adaption of Frances Mayes bestseller, shes still wondering whether shes about to gain a beautiful new home without much life to put in it. Lanes grounded and credible contribution apart, the movie struggles when called upon to do very much more than photograph the inviting Tuscan landscapes.

General Info

Address Auditorium Goethe Institute, Via Savoia 15, tel. 068440051.

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Auditorium Goethe Institute, Via Savoia 15, tel. 068440051.

Smiling H2 - 724x450
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Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia