Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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International Symposium at Sapienza Univeristy

Non-native speakers of English now outnumber native speakers three-to-one: What impact is this having on the English language? What happens to a language as it becomes a lingua franca? How can we, as researchers, teachers and policy makers, best employ these developments in our work?

This Symposium will bring together renowned experts in the specialized areas of Global English, World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca to discuss these important questions. Each plenary speaker will be followed by a Respondent – a researcher or policy maker – who will expand on the theme or act as an agent provocateur. These sessions will be capped by a Panel Session featuring the Plenary speakers, during which the audience is encouraged to ask questions and raise issues.

This is a perfect opportunity for teachers and students to investigate just how the growing force of Englishes may change the way they teach and learn. Don’t miss it! Registration is free.

Register online:

or by filling in and e-mailing the form at the end of this announcement


Thursday 3 April

14.30 Opening address with the Authorities

15.30 Plenary 1: Prof. Barbara Seidlhofer ELF research: key issues and recent developments

16.15 Plenary 2: Prof. Shondel Nero Changing Englishes in the US and Caribbean: Paradoxes and Possibilities

17.00 Plenary 3: Prof. Gao Yihong Between Euphoria and Fear: Changing Emotions and Constant Complexes Concerning English in China

17.45 Respondent / Discussant / Agent provocateur 1-2-3

18.30 Wine tasting Boccadigabbia

Friday 4 April

9.30 Plenary 4: Prof. Jun Liu Changing Scenarios and Altering Perspectives: The State of the Art

10.15 Plenary 5: Prof. Donna Tatsuki English Language Education in Japan: In Transition or Intransigence?

11.00-11.30 Coffee break

11.45 Plenary 6: Prof. Alemu Hailu and Mr. Ronnie Micallef Dreams and Realities: Confronting Multiple Challenges in Supporting English Language Teaching in Secondary Schools in Ethiopia

12.45 Respondent / Discussant / Agent Provocateur 4-5-6

13.30 Lunch Break

14.45 Plenary 7: Prof. M. G. Guido Power asymmetries in ELF immigration domains: changing social and ethical scenarios

15.30 Plenary 8: Prof. Em. Henry Widdowson The symposium in retrospect: perspectives and prospects

16.15 Panel: all the plenary speakers, question-and-answer session

17.00 Round-up session

17.30 Music Concert (Soprano, Harp, Piano)

All presentations and discussions will be in English.

Scientific Committee B. Seidlhofer, H. Widdowson, G. Mariani, F. Masini, M. Morbiducci

Organizing Committee M. Morbiducci, F. B. Favaloro, , M. Rockenhaus Web and Press Office: Stella Scarafoni

Registration is free and attendance is valid for Italian teachers’ CPD (Continuing Professional Development) credits. Register online at: (page in Italian)

or fill in and e-mail the following to:

e-mail to:

General Info

Address Aula Magna, Sapienza Rectorate. Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - Rome

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International Symposium at Sapienza Univeristy

Aula Magna, Sapienza Rectorate. Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - Rome

Marymount - International School Rome
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