Invito alla Danza
6-28 July 2004. Now in its 14th edition, this is the only dance festival to grace the "Estate Romana" and again takes place in the gardens of the German Academy. The programme is varied, but there are no big names to look out for. It includes the Russian Beriozka company with Russian folk dancing (27 July), the Doug Varone and Dancers company from the United States (12, 13 July), the Turkish State Opera Ballet (19 July), The National Ballet of Beijing (26 July), the Elisa Monte Dance Company with its Martha Graham heritage (20 July), the Ballet Spagnol Lucia Real y El Camborio (22 July) and finally Maggiodanza in works by Forsythe and Uotinen (28 July).
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Invito alla Danza
Villa Massimo, Largo di Villa Massimo 1. For information tel. 0639738323.
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