6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180

Italians and food in pictures

22 Oct-9 Nov 2003. A collection of 80 black and white photos illustrate the changing culinary habits and traditions in Italy over the last 50 years, from meals in aristocratic palazzi and fashionable restaurants to local food festivals in the countryside, rustic family get-togethers and the invasion of fast food.

24 Oct-22 Nov 2003. The Biblioteca Vallicelliana has selected over 400 photographs from its extensive archive covering the theme of Italians and their eating mores between 1860 and 1970.

General Info

Address Contemporaneo Temporaneo exhibition space opposite platform 24, Termini Station. Admission free. Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Piazza della Chiesa Nuova 18. Mon-Thurs 9.00-17.00, Fri-Sat 9.00-13.00. Mon closed. Admission free.

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Italians and food in pictures

Contemporaneo Temporaneo exhibition space opposite platform 24, Termini Station. Admission free. Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Piazza della Chiesa Nuova 18. Mon-Thurs 9.00-17.00, Fri-Sat 9.00-13.00. Mon closed. Admission free.

Aur 724x450
AUR 1920x190
AUR 1920x190
AUR 1920x190
Marymount - International School Rome
Smiling Tech - 1400x360