Jazz a Villa Medici.
27 May- 27 June 2005. A brief programme of prestigious jazz concerts in the beautiful grounds of the French Academy make up a new music festival. There is a concert entitled Bird lives marking the 50th anniversary of the death of Charlie Parker, with Rosario Giuliani saxophones, Enrico Pieranunzi piano, Luca Bulgarelli double bass, and Nicola Angelucci drums (20 June); a chamber music concert with a Jazz connotation by Mario Caroli flute, Takashi Yaman clarinet, and Silva Costanzo piano, playing music by Frances Poulenc, Bruno Mantovaniand and Robert Muczynski; and a piano and clarinet recital by Enrico Pieranunzi and Gabriele Mirabassi for the last appointment of the season (27 June).
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Jazz a Villa Medici.
French Academy, Villa Medici, Viale Trinit dei Monti 1, tel. 066761221.
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