Castelli H1 1920 x 116
Castelli H1 1920 x 116
Castelli H1 1920 x 116
RCC 700x180

Julio Bocca and the Ballet Argentino.

19-30 April 2005. In Luomo dalla cravatta rossa, choreography by Ana Maria Stekelman. The star of Argentinian ballet and his company present this recent work which is imbued with the rhythm and the atmosphere of tango. The second part of the evening sees the staging of works by Jos Limon, Twyla Tharp, Andrea Candela and Alvin Ailey.

General Info

Address Teatro Strehler, tel. 0272333222.

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Julio Bocca and the Ballet Argentino.

Teatro Strehler, tel. 0272333222.

Marymount - International School Rome
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Marymount - International School Rome
Acorn High H5 bis 1400 x 360