Kafka's Trial at Teatro Vascello
5-15 January 2012. Teatro Vascello stages The Trial by Franz Kafka, adapted and directed by Andrea Battistini.
The Trial is one of Kafka's best known novels, published in 1925 by Kafka's friend and literary executor Max Brod after Kafka's death in 1924.
It tells the story of a man, a senior bank clerk, Josef K., who on his 30th birthday, is unexpectedly arrested by two unidentified agents for an unspecified crime. Throughout the story the protagonist will be prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority. The nature of his crime won't revealed neither to the protagonist nor the reader. Like Kafka's other novels, The Trial was never completed, but it does include a chapter which brings the story to an end.
Tue-Sat 21.00, Sun 18.00.
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Kafka's Trial at Teatro Vascello
Teatro Vascello. Via G. Carini 78, Rome, tel. 06 5881021, 06 5898031.
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