Kaisar - Verit Negate.
Until 12 March 2005. Written and realised by Raffaele Curi, with Vincent Gallo and Sheila Chandra. Curi himself describes the performance as an experiment; it represents a reworking of the history of humanity through the theme of war, power and truth denied. Together with some 80 symbolic characters, the United States actor / film director, musician / painter Vincent Gallo and Anglo-Indian singer Sheila Chandra are the protagonists of the performance which is mid-way between a conceptual representation and a dramatic installation. It begins with a visual and emotional prologue in the Galleria della Fondazione Alda Fendi (Via del Foro Traiano 1) and continues along a guided itinerary in the nearby Curia dei Fori Imperiali.
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Kaisar - Verit Negate.
For booking and information tel. 0669380577.
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