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6-24 April. Musical version of the fairytale made famous by the Grimm Brothers in the early 19th century. Starring Alessandra Ferrari, Lorella Cuccarini and Giulio Corso, directed by Maurizio Colombi.  
14 Nov. The Swedish embassy in Rome is holding a festival to mark the 70th anniversary of Pippi Longstocking, the fictitious nine-year-old girl from the popular children's books by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren.  Kno...
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount International School of Rome has planned an Open House on Wednesday November 18th, from 9:00 am – 11:00 am, to introduce its Early Childhood Center to those parents interested in sending their child (ages 3 – 5...
Teatro Brancaccio presents Fumbles on Stage on Sunday 8 March at 11.30. Presented by Polly from kids' television show 1,2,3… Perché? Impara l’inglese con me! on Nick Junior, Fumbles is a fun, inter...
FAMO COSE Roma Makerspace presents a Carnevale mask-making workshop for kids aged four and over, on Sunday 15 February. The workshop mixes fun with education, and will teach children the multiple possibilities in crea...
English-language stage production of Cinderella for kids in Rome Life is tough for poor Cinderella who works all day for her two horrible stepsisters but all that changes when she meets Prince Charming. The classic...
Christmas Lego workshop for all ages at Rome's MAXXI The Lego Building Experience at the Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo (MAXXI), from 20-21 December, promises to be a fun event for all ages. Children and...
Fresh from its successful turn at the New York International Fringe Festival, the ExtraTeatro Extraordinary Theatre presents a series of bilingual plays for children at Teatro Belli in Trastevere, with two productions ea...
Our readers what's on: Ladybirds Playgroup, the English speaking playgroup in Rome is holding its annual Halloween Party at All Saint's Church. October 30th from 17 - 19. Face painting, balloon sculptures, crafts, a...
Hortus Urbis, the new open-air festival dedicated to gardening ancient Rome-style, is holding a kids' art workshop on Sunday 6 October. Children will be shown how to create paintings using colours made from soil at th...
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Smiling H3 - 320x480
Things To Do in Rome with Kids: Explora organizes sensory and tactile games for young babies to strengthen the relationship between parents-child in its first months. 10.30 at Explora’s li...
Things To Do in Rome with Kids: This photographic workshop is for children aged five and older and is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. A professional photographer takes young partic...
Things To Do in Rome with Kids: This visit to the exhibition Cubisti e Cubismo is dedicated to children. Young participants will be taken on a tour through the most famous Cubist works to discover...
Things To Do in Rome with Kids: Palazzo delle Esposizioni welcomes children aged seven to 11 and their families to participate to a special visit to the exhibition Nella Grande Mela, followed by a...
Our readers what's on: Ladybirds, an English speaking playgroup for ages 0-4, is holding a special playgroup on Saturday morning. After the usual "circle time", when we sing songs in English - we will have a Lollipop...
Things To Do in Rome with Kids: This summer camp focuses on introducing children aged six to 12 to theatre. Participants are divided into two groups that focus on staging stories and fairy-tales wi...
Things To Do in Rome with Kids: This year Teatro Verde organises two summer camps for children aged four to 13. The first one entitled Sempre Verdi takes place in the area of Vivibistrot in the hea...
Things To Do in Rome with Kids: The Marymount International School organises this summer camp for children aged five to 14. The creative, physical, and social activities range from sports and games...
Our readers what's on: Kids Can will be running storybook workshops on Saturday afternoon (May 18th Gregorio VII May 25th Appia Nuova) 15.30 3-5 year olds 16.45 6-9 year olds
Our readers what's on: Ladybirds Playgroup, an English speaking playgroup for children ages 0-4 is holding a special Saturday playgroup. Come for snacks, singing and THE GREAT LOLLIPOP HUNT! Older siblings welcome. Co...
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