Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
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Teatro Mongiovino 4, 5, 11, 12 May. La Bambina Senza Nome for children aged three to seven: a young girl has lost her name in a boring city, until she meets Dadà, a man with a strange wagon, which contains some...
30 March-10 Nov. The enchanting Castle of Lunghezza hosts this review, entitled Il Fantastico Mondo del Fantastico, for children and their families. Popular protagonists of fairy tales, cartoons and adventures take shape...
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Things To Do in Rome with Kids: This regional park organises a programme of guided tours and events especially for children aged five to 12 and their families, which take place in Valle della Caffa...
Associazione Mage organises this amusing guided tour through the Capitoline Museums for children aged three to six and seven and older. The tour highlights myths and legends, and the looks at marble engravings, the gi...
Technotown will host Science Festival III and its numerous events, including many morning activities for schools. 13 and 14 April. Edifici a Energia Quasi Zero, organized by ZEPHIR - Zero Energy and Passivhaus Institu...
This Jumble Sale, organized by the Ladybirds’ mothers, offers a fantastic opportunity to spring clean and sort through clothes, books, toys and donate anything in good, clean conditions. People wanted to help for t...
Amelia the baby Bactrian Camel has presented herself to the public for the first time at Rome's Bioparco.  When she was born on 25 March, the female camel weighed between 30-35 kg and was 1.5m tall. Her parent...
Things To Do in Rome with Kids: Since 2008 SwimKids have been giving successful Dutch swimming lessons at international locations. We offer lessons in Ibiza, Rome, Barcelona and the Côte d&rs...
Accademia di S. Cecilia organises concerts for children in the series Tutti a S. Cecilia. 9 April Buon Compleanno Verdi invites students aged 12-19 to celebrate Italy’s most beloved composer with a giant cake...
TEATRO MONGIOVINO ACCETTELLA 6-7 April Fiabe Ritrovate for children aged four to eight, tells of two conceited and foolish multicoloured birds, which are sent by their king on a mission: to rediscover the fairy tal...
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Parco Regionale dell’Appia Antica has a long season of guided tours and events especially for children aged five to 12 and their families, which take place in Valle della Caffarella. Its programme also includes oth...
The Children’s Museum hosts this interactive exhibition, entitled Mission Possible, promoted by the European Commission, which focuses on bioeconomy, its future challenges and implications. Other topics in this exh...
Here children aged three to ten have the chance to browse through action-books to discover their images and words and deconstruct and reinvent their contents. This event offers both conventional lessons and play. Among t...
Things To Do in Rome with Kids: The toy shops of Città del Sole organise a series of workshops for children aged five to nine. Laura Fascioli offers three different paths to play through...
Throughout April this library organises a series of animated lectures and workshops for children. On 2 April at 10.30 will take place Mattinata con il Collage: children aged three and older are entertained with a seri...
The Scuderie del Quirinale organise a series of workshops, entitled Tono Su Tono, for children aged seven to 11 in conjunction with the exhibition on Titian. The “Divine Painter” guides children through Titia...
9,23 Apr, 7, 21 May, 4, 18 June. “Io Mela tu Melo” is a creative space dedicated to children aged four to six. It offers them the chance to choose their games without being conditioned by gender sterotypes...
31 Mar, 7 Apr. To celebrate the arrival of a new giraffe, Magoma, Bioparco organizes a series of games and workshops, which focus on the lives and secrets of giraffes. A clown and an operator, masked as a four-meters-...
30 March. Associazione Mage organises a visit to the spectacular Villa dei Quintili on Via Appia Antica, located just beyond the boundaries of the ancient city. Children aged six and older will take an unforgettable w...
For the next two Sundays — 31 March and 7 April — Rome's Bioparco organises "Sua Altezza la Giraffa" (His Highness the Giraffe), an initiative dedicated to revealing the secrets of the tallest animal in the w...
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