La Luce e il Colore.
11 Sept-5 Oct 2003. A show of contemporary art by Alicia Cittadini and Eduardo Lucio Contissa organised in collaboration with the Argentinian embassy. Cittadina lives and works in both Italy and Argentina, where she was born, and combines her experience of social and political troubles in her homeland with her knowledge of Italian culture to produce art that speaks of universal suffering. Contissa lived for many years in Argentina before returning to his birthplace at Cianciano, near Agrigento in Sicily. Inspired by the composition and decomposition of light as it passes through a prism, he tries to capture the process in his work.
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La Luce e il Colore.
Galleria dellIstituto Italo-Latino Americano, Scuderie di Palazzo Santacroce, Vicolo de Catinari 3, tel. 06684921. 11.00-19.00. Sun closed.
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