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Lecture series at American University of Rome

5-28 Feb. The American University of Rome’s Department of Archeology and Classics presents a lecture series by Prof. Henry Hurst titled "A slice through Rome: a corner of the Palatine from the Republic to the Renaissance."

The four-part lecture series will examine the excavation and study of the fifth-century S. Maria Antiqua al Foro Romano complex, set within the wider story of Rome. S. Maria Antiqua is a Roman Catholic Marian church, and is the oldest Christian monument in the Roman Forum. 

The lectures are free and begin at 18.30. There will be an opportunity for discussion following each talk. For more details contact Maurizia Garzia on m.garzia@aur.edu, or tel. 0658330919.

5 Feb Buildings, cults and topography in later Republican to earliest imperial times.

14 Feb Caligula to Domitian

19 Feb The Empire strikes back: Constantine’s surprise?

28 Feb Alto- and higher medieval

General Info

Address American University of Rome, Via Pietro Roselli 4, Gianicolo.
Website www.aur.edu

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Lecture series at American University of Rome

American University of Rome, Via Pietro Roselli 4, Gianicolo.

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