6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
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St Stephen's Cultural Center Foundation will present a lecture by Dr Helen Pope entitled "Inside a Palestinian refugee camp: a personal perpesctive" on Wednesday October 4 at 18.30. All welcome, and entrance is free.
Anusara-Inspired yoga classes, workshops & retreats (bilingual) with senior teacher. For details & schedules, visit: www.kikuchiyoga.com
Acorn P H2 - 724 x 450
Arcadia University and St Stephen's Cultural Center Foundation will present a lecture by Michael Brouse entitled Hidden Rome on Weds 27 September at 18.30. Entrance is free.
The American University of Rome will present a lecture entitled "The Da Vinci Code Phenomenon; film and book" on Thurs 28 Sept at 19.00. Blasted by film critics, Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code continues to exercise a fascinat...
Arcadia University and St Stephen's Cultural Center Foundation will present a lecture by Dr Helen Pole entitled Women in the Roman Forum on Weds 13 September at 18.30. Entrance is free.
The Italia Monaco Association is holding a talk on "Ranieri III Principe Sovrano di Monaco 1949-2005 on Thurs 6 July at 18.00. Professor Leonardo Saviano of the University Federico II of Naples will be the guest speaker...
The Royal Institute of Netherlands in Rome will be hosting a book presentation entitled "Your humble servant agents in early modern Europe" by Luc Duerloo, Marika Keblusek and Badeloch Noldus on Fri, 9 June at 18.00. Re...
The British School at Rome is holding a lecture entitled "Pottery and Petrology in Central Appennine and Adriatic Italy" on Weds 7 June at 18.00. Rome Fellows Keith Swift will discuss pottery production from the late br...
The Presentation of the book Walls and Memory, The Abbey of S. Sebastiano at Alatri from Late Roman Monastery to Renaissance Villa and Beyond by Elizabeth Fentress, Caroline Goodson, Margaret Laird and Stephanie Leone wi...
31 May 2006: Humanities lecture by Lucy Sackville entitled Caveat inquisitor: handbooks of inquisition in high medieval Italy (18.00). 7 June 2006: Archaeology lecture by Keith Swift on Archaeological and petrological ap...
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Smiling H3 - 320x480
The British School at Rome will host a presentation of a new study "Rileggere Pompei" completed by Filippo Coarelli and Fabrizio Pesando of The Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei. The event takes place 15 May at 18.00...
The International Relations Department at the American University of Rome is holding two lectures in May. The first, entitled "New threats and strategies for defence and security" takes place on 16 May at 17.30, while th...
10 May 2006. In Event, choreography by Merce Cunningham. By constant exploration, Cunningham has had a far-reaching impact on modern dance. His works exist for themselves rather than for expressive content. He has elimin...
Internationally acclaimed journalist Goodman will be speaking Saturday, April 29, 5:00 pm. Please join us and support independent media! www.democracynow.org
30 April 2006: Giovanni Bietti lectures on La Hammerklavier, lop. 101 e la nascita del Terzo stile beethoveniano (11.00).
28 April 2006: for the cycle of lectures entitled Art Highlights 4- Coordinates lecture by Ulf Vierke on LArte contemporanea in Africa centrale (18.00).
19-20 April 2006: two-day conference entitled Dediche sacre nel mondo greco-romano: diffusione, funzione, tipologie (10.00-18.00 and 09.15-18.00). First day at the Institutum Romanum Finandiae, Passegiata del Gianicolo...
The American Academy in Rome wil present a lecture by Steven Stucky entitled "A Composer's Review of his Own Work", Tues 28 March, 18.00. Stucky won the Pulitzer Prize for music in 2005 and has been commissioned by major...
28 March: lecture by the composer Steven Stucky who discusses his recent compositions commissioned by major American symphony orchestras (18.00).
23 March: Reading and panel discussion moderated by Francine Prose with the novelist Scott Spencer, the screenwriter and novelist Richard Price and the essayist Jo Ann Beard (18.00).
6 Nations 25