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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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Text and the City: Bacchanalia! Sip wine and hear light-hearted readings about wine and its god, Bacchus. Reservations required.
8 May 2005: Giorgio Pestelli gives a lecture entitled Introduzione a Ein deutsches Requiem di Brahms (11.00).
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"Thomas Merton - Monk and Poet" by Jonathan Montaldo, Friday May 6 at 10:30, Centro Pro Unione (Piazza Navona)
Yogesh Sharda, Raja Yogi of 25 years. Coordinator of BKWSU Centres in Turkey. Dynamic, inspiring speaker will share insights.
28 April 2005: Polsky lecture by the Nobel laureate in physics for 1969, Murray Gell-Mann on Simplicity, Complexity, Regularity, and Randomness (18.00) at Villa Aurelia, Via Aurelia Antica.
28 April 2005: the Association Essere Pace e Comunit dellInter-essere presents a lecture by Thich Nhat Hanh entitled Non c una Via per la pace, la pace la via. Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and poet, who...
26 April 2005: Andrea Carandini, Glenn Most, Andrew Wallace-Hadrill and Peter Wiseman present and discuss Wisemans book The Myths of Rome (18.00).
Presented by Dr. Katherine Jansen, Professor of History at the Catholic University of America. See www.idcrome.org/lecture.htm
Antonia Brancati is a well known Agent and Writer for the Theatre.
17 April 2005: Lecture by Quirino Principe on Lapparenza inganna, ovvero: Gustav Mahler e le sciocchezze di giovent (11.00).
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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11 May 2005: Vincent Jolivet talks on The theatre of power: the topography of the Pincian Hill and northern Campus Martius (18.00). 12 May 2005: art history lecture by Philippa Plock on Gendered genealogies: Nicholas Pou...
7, 14, 21, 28 April, 5, 12 May 2005: Rev. Stephen Rehrauer, Professor of Moral Theology at the Alphonsianum university in Rome lectures on Prophetic Voices in the City (09.30-12.00). 17-23 April 2005: A study week on The...
31 March 2005: Lionello Cammarota presents Stravinskys works Oedipus Rex and The Firebird (17.00).
31 March, 1 April 2005: Art and literature congress entitled Regards sur les auteurs europens contemporains. For information tel. 07332584065.
Popular, fun, Catholic lecture & discussion series! Tonight : "Inside the Passion: Stories from Gibson's Set". Join us! 7pm
30 March 2005: Art history lecture by Arno Witte on Opera: travertine, painting and music in S. Martino ai Monti (18.00).
Fun Catholic lecture & discussion series! New topics! Drink, chat, deepen your faith. March 2, 9, 16. 7pm. TOTRoma@hotmail.com.
20 March 2005: Lecture by Paolo Terni on Strategie della forma quartettistica in Haydn, Debussy e Webern (11.00).
16 March 2005: Art history lecture by John Wilton Ely on Recreating antiquity: Piranesi and the art of restoration (18.00). 21 March 2005: Architecture lecture by Charles Hussey and Charles Sutherland on The inspiration...
Fun Catholic lecture series begins again this week with "The Kidnapping of Caravaggio". Mar 2,9,16 at 7pm.
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