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Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
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22 Jan 2004. Talk by the writer Abel Posse, winner of the Rmulo Gallegos prize. In collaboration with the Argentinian embassy (18.00).
29 Jan 2004. Literary conference presented by Prudencia Molero, with readings by Molero, Mariano Aprea and Rosario Tronnolone. In collaboration with the Argentinian embassy (18.00).
Acorn P H2 - 724 x 450
Amici di Santa Cecilia. 1 Feb 2004: Pierluigi Petrobelli lectures on the contemporary composer Luigi Dallapiccola (11.00). See Music, 31 Jan 2004.
26 Jan - 22 March 2004. A series of events in which three to four Italian and foreign writers read from their work, accompanied by musicians, actors and artists. 12 Feb 2004: Suneeta Peres da Costa and Brett Shapiro, an...
22 Jan 2004: Miranda Marvin lectures on The Myth of the "Roman Copy": New ideas about the relationship between Roman and Greek Sculpture (18.00). 28 Jan 2004: Presentation of the book Giordano Bruno, Philosopher of the R...
RajaYoga meditation:experiencing the inner self through silence. It nourishes and strengthens the mind, filling us with peace and power.
A special celebration of the life and work of Brahma Baba, instrument founder of BKWSU. Short talk, documentary and reflection.
19 Dec 2003. Presentation of a new book on the church of S. Andrea della Valle, best know as the setting for the first act of Puccini's Tosca. The comprehensive history is by Alba Costamagna, Daniele Ferrara and Cecilia...
12-14 Dec 2003. In December 1503, the Spanish won a decisive victory in their battle against the French for the Kingdom of Naples. Captain Gonzalo Fernndez Crdoba, champion of the spear-like pike and harquebus handgun an...
The Grand Tour Cultural Association organizes open air lectures on history, art, archaeology in the monuments and museums of Rome.
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Temple Pre 320x480
15 Dec 2003. A presentation of "Di proprio pugno. Autobiografie di emigranti italiani in Argentina e Brasile" by Camilla Cattarulla, and "L'invenzione di un Medioevo americano. Rappresentazioni moderne del passato coloni...
12-13 Dec 2003. Conference to mark this year's 40th anniversary of the acquisition of Villa Doria Pamphilj by Rome city council. On Friday 12 December there will be a session entitled "Villa Doria Pamphilj, ieri e oggi",...
3 Dec 2003. Professor Andy Gurr of the University of Reading in England will talk about Shakespeare's Henry V for the annual Giorgio Melchiori Lecture organised by the British Council (18.30).
28 Nov-13 Dec 2003. A series of lectures, talks and screenings related to the life and work of Belgian writer Georges Simenon, who was born 100 years ago this year. An exhibition is being held in the Casa delle Letteratu...
Lecture by Professor Witold M. Orlowski, chief economic adviser to the president of Poland, on the macroeconomic effects of the enlargement of the European Union (11.00). In English (Italian text available).
Presentation of Carlo M. Fiorentino's new book "Un esule polacco in Italia. Wladyslaw Sas Kulczycki (1831-1895)". The author will be present, as will Professor Hieronim Fokcinski, rector of the Pontifical Institute of Ec...
3 Dec 2003: James Morris, executive director of the World Food Programme, lectures on The World Food Programme and the challenge of hunger (18.30).
2 Dec 2003: Richard Hodges, Oliver J. Gilkes and Inge Lyse Hansen give a lecture on the occasion of the publication of The theatre at Butrint: Luigi Maria Ugolinis Excavations at Butrint 1928-1932 (18.00). 3 Dec 2003: Ar...
20 Nov 2003. To coincide with the publication in Italy of Granta's anthology of writing by 20 of the best young British novelists, one of the authors, Philip Hensher, will be in Rome to speak about his work (18.30).
27 Nov 2003. Conference presented by Professor Gianluigi Rossi, vice-president of the Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (18.00).
Marymount - International School Rome