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9-10 May 2003: conference (09.00-17.00).
Lectures on contemporary art and architecture by Enrica Torelli Landini, who will speak about Lartista-ingegnere: il Costruttivismo russo on 5 May 2003 (15.30-17.30), and Il concetto e lidea entra nella pittura: Astratti...
30-31 May 2003: art history conference entitled Regarding romantic Rome: Topography, reverie, destabilisation.
25 March 2004: Film director Francesca Comencini talks about her work and about the documentary she directed: Carlo Giuliani, ragazzo. Projection of the documentary (16.30); encounter with Francesca Comencini (17.30).
Until 18 April 2005: a series of lectures entitled La parola contesa tra filosofia e scienza in which protagonists of different sciences talk about the implications of their work. 11 April: Francesca Brezzi in Identit (1...
3 Jan 2005. Massimo Popolizio discusses the work of Cesare Lombroso, who in his 1876 work LUomo delinquente claimed to have discovered physical differences between criminals and law-abiding people.
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