Manfredi Beninati. Paintings.
4 June-31 Aug 2003. Usually artists start as painters and then become photographers or filmmakers. In Beninatis case it is the other way round. From a movie maker and assistant he progressed to a new technique of painting developed by the notorious Gerhard Richter in Germany. Like Richters, in his first solo show this new arrivals painted surfaces are glamorously blurred. Figures or objects appear in a glimmering paint fog, or like wavering reflections on water, with little crumbs of high-key pigment thrown in for kitschy accents. Its cunning and also fairytale creepy. Maybe thats why it appealed to the with-it young public attending the opening (Edith Schloss).
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Manfredi Beninati. Paintings.
Galleria Lorcan ONeill, Via Orti DAlibert 1/e, tel. 0668892980. Tues-Fri 12.00-20.00.
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