RCI 1920 x 116
RCI 1920 x 116
RCI 1920 x 116
Marymount - International School Rome

Marco Milia I In aĕre in aquis

Our readers what's on:

In aĕre in aquis is the first of three exhibitions organised by Takeawaygallery in the archaeological complex of Case Romane del Celio, Rome, Italy: from the 7th of December to the 13th of January, Marco Milia (Rome, 1976) will present his works, opening in connection with night opening of the museum. Hidden and little known, Case del Celio rise among the basis of Ss. Giovanni and Paolo Basilica; fully indoor, they kept intact their peculiarities maintaining frescos, ninfeo mosaics and striking overlaps. Proof of domestic and social life in Rome at the time of The Empire – their structure is given by the fusion of a II Century A.D. domus and a III Century A.D. insula making a one big residence at the end of the same Century, up to the institution of the Christian titulus in IV – the Case are made of a maze of rooms and stratifications between wide compartments and hidden corners, ideal set to a meeting and dialogue with the present. Marco Milia exhibit is the first ever set in this location and a chance to generate short-circuits and original perspectives. The main purpose of Milia’s artistic effort, characterized by rigorous shapes in which the sole use of blue and transparent polycarbonate combines with the refraction of light, has always been to explore the relation between the art-work and its natural and historical surrounding. One of the main characteristics of his works is being developed in situ: such approach translates his will of involving the audience in the art-work, in order to make them feel the works through the body and the senses, consequently converting the public from observer into beneficiary. Through the over twenty hypogeal spaces set organized on different levels, the young roman sculptor has created an itinerary articulated in primary grandiose structures in which he repeats and alternates the archetype shape of circle and parallelepiped. Through the analysis of the material and the incorporeal characteristic of the site, Milia has chosen natural elements, such as water and air, and used them as symbols and central themes aimed at reinterpreting and interacting with the roman Case and their history. There is a continued alternation of blue and pure light as the visitor goes from one room to the other, an effect the artist uses to refer to water and air, considered the source of life and the most fundamental elements not only in social and public roman tradition, but also inside the privacy of the roman domus. Milia’s work aims at being an emotional and sensorial answer to the site’s solicitations and to its suspended and rarefied atmosphere. Walking through the several rooms is like immersing into aĕre in aquis. Info: In aĕre in aquis – Marco Milia’s Solo art exhibition Project: Takeawaygallery By Carlotta Monteverde Organized and promoted by Takeawaygallery and Spazio Libero Opening: Saturday December 7th 7pm-11:30pm From 7 December 2013 to 13 January 2014 Case Romane del Celio Entrance through Clivio di Sauro, Rome Timetable: Thu-Mon 10.00/13.00 – 15.00/18.00 – Closed on Tue and Wed Price: Ticket 6,00€ - Reduced 4,00€ Contacts: info@spazioliberocoop.it - www.caseromane.it takeawaygallery@gmail.com - http://www.takeawaygalleryroma.altervista.org/Roma/ Under High Monitoring of MiBAC, Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo – Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici – Rome Patronage: Ministero dell’Interno – Fondo Edifici di Culto Technical sponsor: SPEDART – Servizi per l’Arte Graphical project: Aurelio Candido Lighting design Consultant: Paolo Di Pasquale

General Info

Price info Ticket 6,00
Address Clivo di Scauro, Rome

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Marco Milia I In aĕre in aquis

Clivo di Scauro, Rome

Acorn P H2 - 724 x 450
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Taco 320 x 480
RCC 1400x360