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23 Nov 2006. Concert by the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi conducted by Marco Letonja, with Benedetto Lupo piano. Music by Schubert/ Webern, Schumann, Berio/Boccherini, Berio/Schubert (21.00).
23 Nov 2006. Concert by the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi conducted by Marco Letonja, with Benedetto Lupo piano. Music by Schubert/Webern, Schumann, Berio/Boccherini, Berio/Schubert (21.00).
Marymount - International School Rome
22 Nov 2006. Concert by the St Petersburg Marinsky Theatre Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev. Mussorgksys Boris Godunov (20.30).
23 Nov 2006. Concert by the St Petersburg Marinsky Theatre Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev. Shostakovichs 1939-40 version of Mussorgksys Boris Godunov (20.30).
Henry Cook, "Ku-umba" Frank Lacy and Famoudou Don Moye present a program of original music November 21 and 22
19 Nov 2006. Chamber music concert by the Quartetto di Firenze. Music by Schumann and Janacek (12.00).
19 Nov 2006. Concert conducted by Lu Jia, with Ilya Gringolts violin. Music by Schumann and Beethoven (18.00).
Piano marathon organised by the Toradze Piano Studio with Raffaele Mallozzi viola. Music by Shostakovich (11.00, 19.00).
19 Nov 2006. Piano and viola recital by Alessandro Drago and Aleksej Popov. Music by Schubert and Franck (11.30).
18 Nov 2006. Piano recital by Gianluca Cascioli. Music by Debussy, Liszt, Cascioli, Schumann (17.30).
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
6 Nations 25
18 Nov 2006. Concert conducted by Valery Gergiev, with Nicolaj Znaider violin. Music by Brahms and Shostakovich (18.00). Repeated 20 Nov (21.00), 21 Nov (19.30).
17 Nov 2006. Piano recital by Christian Zacharias, music by Schumann, Beethoven, Schubert (21.00).
17 Nov 2006. Concert by the St Pius Church Choir from the United States. Music by Mozart, Vivaldi, Gounod and others (21.00).
17 Nov 2006. Concert by the St Pius Church Choir from the United States. Music by Mozart, Vivaldi, Gounod and others (21.00).
23 Nov 2006. Concert by the St Petersburg Marinsky Theatre Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev. Shostakovichs 1939-40 version of Mussorgksys Boris Godunov (20.30). For those who like to plan ahead: The Altenberg Tri...
16 Nov 2006. Recital by Matthias Goerne baritone, and Helmut Deutsch piano. Music by Schubert (21.00).
The Belgian Academy will be hosting a concert by Hiroko Mizobe, clarinet, and Kibo Kataoka, piano, on Weds 7 Nov at 19.00. The musicians will play Saint-Saens, Poulenc, Widor and Bassi as well as some Japanese music. Ent...
Alvin Curran will perfomr a solo performance at around 21.30 on 5 November at the American Academy of Rome as part of the Nuova Consonanza marathon music evening, 16.30-23.00. All welcome.
14 Nov 2006. Concert by the Evan Parker Trio, with Evan Parker saxophone, Paul Lovens drums, and Alex von Schlippenbach piano. The 35th Anniversary Concert (20.30).
The Millennium in Musica festival continues its hmoage to John Paul II with a concert by the Ciril Silic Choir on Sat Nov 4 at 18.00 in the Chiesa di S. Agata in Trastevere. The choir, from Slovenia, will sing traditiona...
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