6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
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Chamber music concert by the Ars Trio di Roma. Music by Beethoven, Ravel, Brahms (17.30).
Concert conducted by Georges Prtre. Bizets Carmen in concert form (18.00). Repeated 7 March 2005 (20.00), 9 March 2005 (19.30). At the Auditorium-Parco della Musica in Rome, Georges Bizets Carmen will be performed in c...
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One spare Ticket For 23 Jul in Rome I exchange. Email orlus@libero.it
Harp and violin recital by Katia Catarci and Roberta Mammucari. Music by Spohr, Donizetti, Massenet, Faur (20.45).
Piano recital by Mario Tosco Amandorla. Music by Liszt and Chopin (20.30).
Chamber music concert by the Philharmonia Quartett Berlin. Music by Beethoven (21.00).
Wordly reknown Madredeus coming from Portugal for a great concert at prestigious Opera Theatre within festival Gli Angeli Sopra Roma.
Isma Record show: 5 groups, starring Tony Scott, guest of Luca R.Jacovella Jazz Concert
Chamber music concert by the Fine Arts Quartet. Music by Beethoven and Schubert (21.00).
Piano duo by Cristina Biagini and Marco Marzocchi. Music by Schubert and Stravinsky (21.00).
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Piano recital by Fazil Say. Music by Bach and Beethoven (20.30).
SUNDAY 27 FEBRUARY h.19.00 MUSIC BY Mozart & Brahms Quintet of the Teatro dell'Opera FREE ADMISSION CALL 064883339 or 339 6541119 LUMINARIA@STPAULSROME.IT
Concert conducted by Viatchelav Valeev, with Georg Nigi baritone. Music by Mahler, Strauss, Schreker (18.00).
Concerto Luminaria: Chamber music concert by the Quintet from the Teatro dellOpera. Music by Mozart and Brahms (19.00).
Concerts at Teatro Il Sistina, Via Sistina 9, tel. 064200711.
Piano and cello recital by Sebastiano Brusco and Valeriano Taddeo. Music by Brahms (17.30).
Piano recital by Michele Pentrella. Music by Chopin, Liszt, Barber (17.15)
Recital by Gamaliel von Tavel baritone, and Jens Fuhr piano. Music by Schumann, Moser and others (17.30).
Piano duo by Marek Szlezer and Marcella Crudeli. Music by Brahms, Chopin, Schumann (20.30).
Chamber music concert by the Gruppo di Musica Barocca with Alberto Bagnai flute, Rebeca Ferri cello, and Federico Del Sordo harpischord. Music by Mancini, Corelli, Geminiani, Handel (20.45).
6 Nations 25