Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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Per Piano Solo. Music by Skriabin and Mussorgsky (20.30).
24 June-5 Sept 2004. The initiative includes a series of lectures dedicated to gay literature, comic and musical theatre, concerts, a "Drive Out" cinema festival and an evening dedicated to the British film director Dere...
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JASCH is an active musician coming from the fields of improvisation with a background in jazz and electroacoustic music. He holds a degree in jazz doublebass and a masters in digital arts. He has been performing improvis...
Orchestra and singers in 18th-century costume perform opera arias. Music by Puccini, Rossini, Mozart, Haendel, Verdi, Leoncavallo, Mascagni, Bizet (20.45). Repeated 25 June 2004.
22 June-2 July 2004. The lovely series of piano recitals "in the moonlight" organised by the Accademia Filarmonica is back to inaugurate the summer with an impressive line-up of pianists playing Chopin; Benedetto Lup (22...
22 June-15 Aug 2004. This festival was started ten years ago to provide a launch pad for young singers and musicians. The opera programme consists of six performances of Mozarts Don Giovanni (24-31 July) and a performanc...
23 June-23 July 2004. This is the 14th edition of the music festival that comes to life in the lovely gardens of Villa Doria Pamphilj. Over the years the event has become increasingly varied and now includes literary and...
20 June-18 July 2004. The venue of the concerts is Michelangelos magnificent square on the Capitoline Hill, also the seat of the city council which offers these events free of charge. Concerts also take place in the adja...
20-21 June 2004. Various musical associations and foreign academies participate in this initiative. Highlights include two concerts in the Galleria Alberto Sordi, near Piazza Colonna. On 20 June 20 pianists will perform...
The Schwaebischer Saengerbund Choir of New Jersey, U.S.A. Music Director: Manfred Knoop Presents a concert of Classic, Contemporary & Spiritual Music
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16 June-15 Sept 2004. This is the Concerti del Tempiettos marathon summer season with a concert or recital every evening. Poetry is often a side-serving as are archaeological excursions.
The Schwaebischer Saengerbund Choir New Jersey USA Music Director: Manfred Knoop Presents a Concert of Classic, Contemporary & Spiritual Music Free Admission
End of season concert by the Orchestra Nova Amadeus conducted by Carlo Palleschi, with Sara Galli soprano and Sergio Panajia tenor. Verdis symphony from Nabucco (21.00).
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. WARP & London Sinfonietta: the London dj/electronic scene meets the masters of the 20th century. This concert sees the London Sinfonietta ensemble and guests play music by Aphex Twin, S...
American Academy in Rome. Concert by the Ebnezer Choir from Atlanta, Georgia. Classical and gospel music repertoire (21.00).
Until 27 June 2004. A cycle of midday concerts and recitals every Sunday organised by Romes Teatro dellOpera offer a good occasion to visit the citys own "Silvano Toti Globe Theatre" an almost faithful copy of Shakespe...
Goethe Institute. Concert by the Contemporary European Flute Ensemble "eWave" conducted by Wil Offermans. Music by Martinez, Lupone, Offermans and others (21.00). For those who like to plan ahead: as most music season...
Teatro Ghione. For Euromusicas master concert series, piano recital by Vladimir Mischuk. Music by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt (21.00).
Camerata Italica. Concert by the Orchestra Camerata Italica conducted by Matthieu Mantanus. Music by Mozart. Readings from Pushkin on Mozart and Salieri (18.00).
Goethe Institute. Recital by Simone Enge contralto and Melina Burlaud piano. Music by Schumann, Mahler, Schonberg, Rihm (21.00).
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