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23 April-23 June 2004. Mozarts Idomeneo is the second opera directed by Graham Vick in this festival; it is on stage at the Teatro alla Pergola, (23 May-3 June). The next opera in the programme is the Dallapiccola diptyc...
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert by the Coro da Camera dellAccademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia directed by Roberto Gabbiani. Music by Dallapiccola, Ligeti, Vlad, Petrassi (12.00).
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Teatro Ghione. For Euromusicas master concert series, piano recital by Amad Weiland. Music by Bach (21.00).
I Concerti di Primavera. Concert by the Associazione Corale "Lorenzo Perosi" conducted by Luigi Ciuffa. Music by Palestrina and Bach (19.00).
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Music by Rossini, Britten, Respighi (18.30). Repeated 19 April 2004 (21.00), 20 April 2004 (19.30).
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Violin and piano recital by Marco Fiorini and Irene Franceschini. Music by Mozart, Beethoven, Prokofiev (21.00).
Concert by Camerata Italica conducted by Matthieu Mantanus, with Patrizio Serino soloist, and Gaia De Laurentiis actress. Music by Tchaikovsky, readings from Chechov (20.45).
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Violin and piano recital by Marco Fiorini and Irene Franceschini. Music by Mozart, Beethoven, Prokofiev (21.00).
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Violin and piano recital by Marco Fiorini and Irene Franceschini. Music by Mozart, Beethoven, Prokofiev (21.00).
Accademia Filarmonica Romana. The Fiddler on the Roof, by and with Moni Ovadia from the original musical (20.30). For those who like to plan ahead: Jeffrey Tate conducts the Orchestra of S. Cecilia on 17, 19, 20 April...
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Accademia Filarmonica Romana. Ovadia is undoubtedly the best-known cantor of Yiddish culture in Italy. In this beautiful reinterpretation of the famous musical, a company of retired Ukranian dancers, Eastern European mus...
I Concerti del Tempietto. Recital by Linda Valente soprano, and Fabio Di Cocco piano. Music by Gershwin and others including jazz improvisations (17.15).
I Concerti del Tempietto. Piano recital by Sascia Bajcic. Music by Bach, Haydn, Brahms (17.15).
11 April 2004. Organ recital by Massimiliano Muzzi. Music by Mozart and others (17.00).
Easter Concert by the Orchestra e il Coro del Festival di Pasqua conducted by Walter Attanasi, with Montserrat Caball soprano. Handels oratorio The Resurrection (20.30).
8 April 2004. Organ recital by Roberto Dioletto. Music by Bach, Brahms, Gounod and others (17.00).
9 April 2004. Concert by the choir of monks of S. Anselmo: the Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae (20.30).
I Concerti del Tempietto. Via Crucis: 14 brief cantatas for voice and instruments by Isabella Foschini (17.15).
6 April 2004. Organ recital by Luca Purchiaroni. Music by Frescobaldi, Froberger, Buxtehude (17.30).
Orchestra Sinfonica Giovanile di Roma. Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia and with the Coro Lirico Sinfonico Romano directed by Stefano Cucci. Mozarts Requiem and Ave Verum Corpus (21.00).
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